Fair Work First Scotland: Tender Sample Answer
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Fair Work First Scotland: Tender Sample Answer

Are you a Scottish business needing to respond to a question about the Fair Work policy in your tender? You’ve come to the right place!

Fair Work First is the Scottish Government’s flagship program for creating high-quality and productive workforces throughout Scotland.

This guidance provides a framework for employers to adopt and implement policies that protect workers and provide equitable treatment by applying fairness criteria to grants, other funding, and contracts being awarded, where applicable, across the public sector.

Get Fair Work Scotland: Tender Sample Answer

Key Fair Work First Policies

Through this approach, the Scottish Government is asking employers to adopt a fair working policy, through clear and equitable practices by clearly setting out what is expected of them, specifically:

  • Appropriate channels for effective voice, such as trade union recognition
  • Investment in workforce development
  • No inappropriate use of zero-hours contracts
  • Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Payment of the real Living Wage

Tender Response

Responding to such a question during the bidding process requires you to explain what measures (such as careful planning and control of costs) you will take to produce quality work. Examine your plan in terms of how it can make an impact on people’s lives, not just numbers or money saved/earned simply by completing the project.

It’s not enough to just say you want to make a difference. You need to show how you will deliver this, and what evidence there is that it really works. How will you ensure that your workers are treated fairly, with good working conditions? How do you ensure that the work is carried out to a high standard and meets expectations?

If there are some of the elements you are not currently doing in your business, then make a commitment to do them in your fair work statement. For example, commit to registering as a Living Wage employer if you are not already one, or, if you have not yet done any kind of fair trade product sourcing, then make a commitment to research this area and find out what it means for your products.

Tender Advice provides sample text you can use to respond to your Fair Work policy question in your tender, in line with the Fair Work First commitment from the Scottish government. If you need help with how to position these requirements I have written sample tender responses to assist you or help you get started.

Get Fair Work Scotland: Tender Sample Answer

Fair Work First Scotland

More information about Fair Work First: guidance to support implementation, the Scottish Government has provided context about how the plan is intended for public sector grantmakers, funders, contractors, and anyone involved in making or receiving payments from the Scottish Government.

Tender Advice

I have years of experience writing Scottish tenders and genuinely want to make sure you get the best advice possible. I know how important it is for a winning tender proposal to get the response right the first time. For more help, I provide comprehensive services, templates, and consultation calls.

Happy Tendering!

Picture of Rebecca Skagestad

Rebecca Skagestad


tender advice

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